Got a letter from the IRS?
Call Khalid Yousif & Associates and sleep WELL tonight...
But why did YOU get a letter from the IRS?
First of all, getting letters from the IRS doesn't necessarily mean something unpleasant.
A few of the reasons you might have received one are (as listed on
You have a balance due.
You are due a larger or smaller refund.
They have a question about your tax return.
They need to verify your identity.
They need additional information.
They changed your return.
They need to notify you of delays in processing your return.
The IRS has people on their side, YOU need people on your side too.
Let Khalid Yousif & Associates have your back.
What can we do for you?
We can help END...
Worrisome tax debt
Interest on tax penalties
We can help AVOID or STOP...
All wage garnishments
Property liens & seizures
Bank levies
We can also HELP...
File any missing returns
Lower your monthly payment(s)
Defend against IRS liens
(Apply for) penalty abatement
Defend your assets
Income protection
Resolving delinquent payroll tax
Make payment arrangents with the IRS
Settle with the IRS for little or ZERO dollars